Monday, May 17, 2010

Ok let me at em!!

Umpires!!! Need I say anymore? No probably not but I am going to anyway...

This week just gone was Umpire appreciation round. Um since when???? People say we should appreciate the umpires for all they do for the game, ok I have so many problems with that on so many levels!

I must admit it will be a tough gig being an umpire, that would be for sure. But there are so many positions out there that will be much tougher. Realistically people who work long hours are the ones that I appreciate the most. Doctors, nurses, some police officers (and I say some, excluding one in particular but that's a different matter all together), Firemen and women and most importantly the volunteers. The volunteers on many levels of the game are the ones that should be appreciated and not the umpires.

Umpires get paid to do what they do. They have got it good. Hey I would get abuse hurled at me if I was getting paid that much. I got less at one job and still got abuse hurled at me. In a way I am pretty immune to it so for these umpires to not want abuse hurled at them well boo hoo! Get used to it it comes with the territory you goonbags!

Umpires need to earn the right to be appreciated. There have been to many times when they have made many blunders, and I mean many. I applauded the AFL (yes don't get used to it) when they dropped Scott McLaren for that rushed behind incident. Whether it was rushed or not is not the point here but the fact that the AFL had some balls (which I was wondering whether they owned any) to say that bad decisions will not be condoned. The AFL needs to do this more to make sure that the right decisions are made. You can't get them all right I must admit that but surely the most obvious ones need to be picked up and if you have umpires constantly making mistakes, then you can truly understand how for me "Umpire appreciation" week is an absolute joke.

The AFL needs to constantly review decisions made because at the end of the day, the reason why umpires are getting abused at is not because it's fun for supporters but because they suck at making decisions! If you don't want to be booed at or cop abuse from footballers, then do the job that you get paid for. Hmm maybe I should be an umpire? I would do a better job that some of these bozos!

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